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My Cornet Page

I love to play the cornet!

Hi i am Beth and i love playing the cornet. I have been playing it for a year and a half and i passed my grade one a few weeks ago (which i am really happy about). I have my lesson every friday at my school with Helen Lane. She is very patient while we are playing and i think that she is a fab teacher. My lesson is with Hayleigh, Kerry, Joe and Alester.

here is my certificate

The cornet is a brass instrument that closely resembles the trumpet. It is not to be confused with the Medieval instrument, the cornett.

The cornet is a standard brass band instrument, which was derived from the bugle family. However, lately it has been gradually replaced by the trumpet in the United States. The trumpet is also used more often than the cornet in orchestral, small ensemble, and solo performances. The cornet is the main high voice of the brass band in the UK and other countries that have British-style brass bands.


This is my cornet!